When we say that Grigio del Casentino® meat is good, we are not just referring to its taste. Good meat, for us, must also be healthy, ethical and sustainable.
The healthiness of meat depends on two factors: the animals’ diet and the processing methods. And our products are doubly healthy. First, because the animals live in a semi-free range in the Casentino forests, where they feed on what nature provides.
Second, because we have banned chemicals from our processing. We use superior quality raw material, time, humidity and temperature, without allergens, preservatives, dyes, stabilizers, thickeners and other “junk,” as we call them.
Grigio del Casentino® pork is also ethical. Animal welfare is our priority. To ensure our pigs have a good life, we carry out a project that is the exact opposite of intensive farming. Our animals live free and have plenty of space – and time – to follow their instincts in their natural habitat.
But there’s more, because our farming is also ecologically sustainable. In fact, the very short supply chain and simple breeding methods, like those of our grandparents, guarantee an environmental impact that is not even remotely comparable to that of large-scale farms.
Many consumers, even those attentive to quality and animal welfare, do not realize how much the meat industry “weighs” on the environment. Precisely because this fact often goes unnoticed, and precisely because it is so important to us instead, we have decided to provide a detailed examination of it.
The issue with intensive farming is that it is, indeed, intensive. There are so many animals, confined in confined spaces.
This, from an environmental perspective, causes at least three major problems:
If our project is so different from that of other farmers, it is because our goal is not simply to provide delicious meat, but to create from scratch a new production system that respects both the animal and the environment.
Here is how we solve, point by point, the main issues of intensive farming:
Not all meat is the same because not all farms are the same. Only semi-free range farming ensures a decent life for the animals and a reduced environmental impact.